We all know that Ritz-Carlton falls under the Marriott Rewards loyalty program, which is now linked to Starwood. Less well-known is that Ritz-Carlton also participates in the Stars travel agent loyalty program.
This gives guests loyalty style benefits such as room upgrades, free breakfasts, offers, and discounts. Crucially, you do not need to have any historic stays or tiers of membership at Ritz-Carlton hotels. You can benefit from all these extras right from your very first stay when you book through our Luxury Travel Concierge.
There is no extra cost for this service, and we charge the same price as the Ritz-Carlton Hotels & Resorts website.
Ritz-Carlton Hotels & Resorts Stars Loyalty Program
Our Luxury Travel Concierge travel agency is a member of the official Ritz-Carlton Stars loyalty club. This loyalty club is not a consumer loyalty club, it is a travel agent club, and it enables us to share our benefits with you. Of note, this program enables a travel agent to clear space in sold-out situations and gives you priority for connecting rooms.
Book with our Luxury Travel Concierge and join the Marriott Rewards loyalty program so that you maximize free benefits.
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Note: Benefits & upgrades subject to availability. Benefits offered correct at the time of writing. Terms & conditions apply. Enquire for more information. Benefits offered correct at the time of writing but may be amended at discretion of the vendor. Posts may be sponsored by the proprietor or brand being appraised. All opinions remain our own & are in no way influenced.